Tuesday, December 9, 2014


        Today, I talked to my first client personally. I was so nervous and excited too. We talked and discuss about how IBN(Internet Business Nepal) provides service and training at a same time. They saw my video in YouTube and they were very curious about IBN(Internet Business Nepal) so they came . It was my first conversation with my client and it was quiet good. They were really happy and curious to join IBN(Internet Business Nepal). I said best of luck for your better careeer in internet marketing to my client.I am doing my best and really hoping for the best in IBN(Internet Business Nepal).

For more detail you can log on :-
Facebook :- yamuna_phagami@yahoo.com
Twitter :-   @AmunaPun
Skype :- yamunaphagami111
G mail :- yamunaphagami111@gmail.com

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