Sunday, January 18, 2015


         Everyone today my post is about HOPE.Something you want for you to happen or something you need for yourself or anything you work for achievement probably needs "Hope". It is the key factor for everything you perform. Without hope, your performance is like earning money without any plans to spend it.So, your work needs some kind of hope for you.

                    Something you want for you to happen or something you need for yourself or anything you work for achievement probably needs HOPE. Its the key factor for everything you perform. Without hope, your performance is like earning money without any plans to spend it. So, your work needs some kind of hope for you. Hoping something of the same level of the work you perform in that level will make you a better worker. With low performance, you shouldnot hope for too much. It leaves you disappointed and you will feel like never working again. So, always keep hope, a target you need to gain with the level of performance you do. And, this will surely work.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What really "MATTERS"?

         Today, I am posting about "What really matters". What really matters is not what we are capable of doing but what we  achieve.What really matters is not number but progress.What really matters is not statistic but measure of positive change.What really matters is not headline or deadline, but creating opportunities.What really matters is not money in the bank, but money that is thriving in the markets.What really matters is not what government can do but what they are really doing.What really matters is not the speed of development but the outcome, intent, and action. What really matters is not about success and failure, but what we do each day. What really matters is not who comes and who goes, but what they do when they are here. What really matters is not promised tomorrow, but each today lived to it's fullest potential. What really matters is not what we receive but what we give.What truly matters is not doing the right things, but doing the right things at the right time.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stop torturing women


                      We say one thing. We do something other. We profess morality. We preach values. We give sermons on character. We honour our womenfolk. We place them on a lofty platform.We recite scriptures in their honour. We sing in praise of Sita, Savitri, and Damayanti. But we are hollow  within. We have given equal rights to our women in our constitutional. We talk of woman liberation movement. But it is a sad reality that our woman are slaver as they were age ago.It is pleasant to talk about woman liberation but no one gives them real freedom.
                   A woman, in this male dominated society cannot keep her feminism and be what she wants to be because she will always be judged by men and held to their standards. Thus, never being able to break the wall of stereotypes that surrounds her being. A woman does not become a man if she suit up like man or become aggressive at the workplace. At the end of the day what matters is how she maintained her feminine side and balanced it with her ambitions and goals to perform as well as the males and that fact that a woman works twice as hard as men should garner respect.
                     Even if women are employed they can not spend income as they choose. They have to give their income to their in laws and have to depend on their husband.. Though they do job outside also they have to do household job too.A man can marry as many time's as he like. Society keeps its mouth shut. But if widow gets married then all society talks about her and not let her live her peaceful life.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Exercise your MIND

"The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is that people learn to work for money........but never learn to have money work for them."  If you want money to work for you then set new business idea like online education, internet marketing , online job etc. Exercise your mind daily so that you can create unique and crazy way of doing business. The more you exercise your mind the more ideas are created. If you don't exercise your mind you will never be able to create new ideas................

Monday, January 5, 2015


When we think of facebook, we think of a social media that helps us keep in touch with friends or family member who are far away from us or get to know new people.But,as it turn out kore and more small business owner are turning to facebook as a platform to help them generate invome via sales, instead of the traditional notion of using social media for marketing purpose.